Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Saturday, August 19, 2006

(Hot) Saturday In The Yard

I spent last night taking the electric hedge trimmers to our yellow orchid vine which in short of 2 years has taken over the front railing on our porch, and ran along the house to our front door. It's now approximately 40 ft in length and is growing about a foot a week, which is a little much to keep up with. Below is a close up of its blooms, the vine peaks in April and is a pain in the ass the rest of the year.

You know it hasn't rained in a while when the bouganvelia (spelling butchered) is in full "bloom". The plant's colors become more vivid the longer it goes without water. Seems a little sadistic to me, to starve it for its color, but whatever works, I suppose.

Today, because I'm a glutton for punishment, I purchased two passion vines, one that will have 5 inch wide blood red flowers and another that apparently will grow to over 50 feet in length, with up to 12 inch (edible) fruit. The former vine will have to go on the north side of the house, since it's zoned for areas other than here (thank you again Home Depot for selling plants in this area that can't survive direct Arizona sunlight), and the later I'm unsure where to plant at the moment. Until October mercifully arrives, anything that gets planted right now will have to be on the north side of the house, or under a tree. I'll ponder this further when the sun goes away in a few hours, I don't know which is worse, 108 with no humidity, or 95 with.


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