Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another Yard Update

This is typically the only time of year where you're receive nearly weekly updates on the yard. In another few months you'll be lucky to see a few radar pictures of monsoon storms missing us, me grumbling about the heat, and not much more.

For now, enjoy some more shots from around the yard, including:

Our blooming bulbs, on the south side of the yard. Last spring I was lucky to get a few blooms, amazing the difference a wet winter makes. I might even get some Iris blooms, they're the spiky shoots in between the others that are blooming. The day lilies are actually growing as well, last year that barely came out of the ground before retreating during the summer.

In the background along the fence are some pepper plants, and directly in front of them along the arch is a climbing rose that's doing well so far, and some wild primrose that's come up every spring. It'll be covered in huge pink flowers before too long.

Here is a wider shot of the north side of the yard, the cassias have never bloomed this heavily before, and you can actually smell them if you're up close to them, a slightly sweet fragrance.

Here's another view, turning to the west a little. The lilac vine, which started blooming on the arch back in February, is about at the end of it's run. Last spring it didn't bloom at all thanks to our 20 degree morning in January. The calamonden, which is loaded with maturing fruit, is not only leafing out, but starting to bloom (soon to be more fruit). In good conditions you can pick fruit off this tree year round, excellent in tea!

Here is a somewhat blurry, but up close look at our non fruiting pomegranate, it's leaves are redder when coming out than the fruiting variety, for some reason. Off to the left is our creeping fig vine that one day will hopefully cover the north side of the house.

Here's another look at the cassia bush, up close view of the blooms.

This is a wide view of the planter on the southwest side of the house. The globe mallow is slowing being taken over with red blooms. The walkway below is covered in wildflowers that I planted as seeds back in November.

Besides the poppies that are blooming, which I posted the other day, here are a few new mystery plants that are also starting to bloom. I wish I had saved the package, as I now have no idea what any of these guys are.

This is the only plant to sprout out of those seeds that looks like this. The leaves follow the sun as it goes across the sky, and it's starting to bloom at the top of a cone. I'll post another shot of it once it's matured.

I have dozens of these guys coming up all over the place. The first shot is of the bloom before it opened, and the second is when it opened right before sunset.


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