Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Another Yard Update

Here are a few new shots of the yard.

An oddity for starters, a pomegranate double bloom, one bloom inside the first one.

The grape vine on the north side of the yard reaching for sunshine.

I've moved the old tub planter from behind the emu bushes and replaced it with a makeshift trellis, made out of some old porch parts. Notice the scrawny grapevine planted at its base.

The dwarf orange, which I was threatening to dig up this year (since it didn't produce anything last year), has responding in kind, notice all of the little starters, and this is just one small section of the tree.

Speaking of bumper crops, here is a close up of one small section of the calomonden, I counted at least 30 in this picture, nearing ripeness and pie making, mmm.

A wider shot of the yard, where I've moved the tub out from behind the bushes. It may be too late to plant anything in it this year, but I have a dollars worth of wildflower seeds I'm going to try in it for kicks. Pomegranates blooming in the foreground.

A close up of the easter egg emu bush, which usually blooms around the holiday (hence the name). Only the pink blooms on this bush actually open, the other colors strangely never do.


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