Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July Yard Update

A noble experiment, this is a sucker off my Li Jujube tree, I'm trying to get it to root in this cup of water for possible transplant into the yard later in the year. We'll see how that works out (probably not well).

I'm hoping this one will root better than the jujube, this is a coral creeper vine. I borrowed the tip off of this plant from in front of a local nursery, out in their parking lot. If they had had any in stock, I would have gladly paid for one. Honest.

Other items of note, the Li Jujube has two fruit maturing even in this horrible heat (114 today), here's a picture of one.

For the first time since I planted it, the Lang Jujube is fruiting, and has about five fruit on it.

The pomegranates are maturing, here are a few shots of them.

And finally, a snail vine given as a birthday gift by Emily's parents, blooming off the back porch.


At 12:08 PM, Blogger GreenThumb said...

Hi, I would be interested to find out if you were able to get your jujube shoot to root. I'm trying to root a couple of shoots right now, and the last one I tried didn't do too well.

At 5:34 AM, Blogger Tom, Emily, Brenna said...

Nope, I've never been able to get them to root by doing that. I think the shoot has to be softer for roots to develop to support the top growth. Just my uneducated opinion.


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