Quick Yard Update
We're in survival-mode out in the yard. It's been a very dry monsoon, and hot, so I've been focusing on keeping things alive rather than taking a lot of pictures. Not much of anything blooms when it's this hot, except for the yellow bells, orange jubilee, and bird of paradise, and I've posted pictures of those a million times already.
Here are a few things of interest.
Some vincas I planted as seeds back in February have decided to come up and they're blooming. The bush river willow tree is in the background.
My five dollar rose that I got on clearance at Lowe's a few weeks ago has started putting out lots of new growth. Planting it between the house and the eucalyptus has probably helps. It's a climber, and hopefully since it was a 5-gallon plant, the root system will help it through until it cools off in November.
The apple tree has dropped all of it's dying leaves from June/July, and has started pushing out a new flush of growth. Either I've finally figured out how to water it, or it's enjoying the increased humidity, different angle of the sun, something. Who knows, I'm just happy I haven't killed it yet.
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