Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Yard Update

With temps in the 90's, the yard has been doing well, lots of new growth and blooming.

The first picture is of some odds and ends, seeds that have sprouted, etc. Starting in the brown pot and going clockwise:

- chocolate mint
- assorted herbs, including pineapple sage, lemon balm, spearmint
- love lies bleeding seed that sprouted in the same pot with my river bush willow tree
- more spearmint
- columbine
- dutchman's pipe (possibly the rankest smelling plant I've encountered)

Below are two hostas that sprouted recently from cuttings bought back in December. The third one was moved from the north side of the house.

Not sure what this bulb below is, a jonquil maybe?

Next bloom is from the passion vine on the south side of the house.

This is our ornamental pomegranate, meaning these blooms don't turn into fruit. I recently bought two that DO produce, and planted those this afternoon.

These last two pictures are of the evening primrose that comes up every spring in various places in the yard.


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