Weather Settling Down
Our odd weather is finally settling down. Yesterday afternoon we had another round of storms roll in from the north, and once again it rained just enough at the house to get the ground wet. The storm broke into two, veering east and west of us. The best part was that as it rolled through around 4pm, the temperature dropped to about 65 degrees, and even after it cleared out, it barely made it back to 70 before the sun set. The last few mornings our lows have been in the low 50s, which is unheard of this late in the spring. The paper indicated a few days ago that on average our first 100 degree day arrives on the 1st of May, and today being the 16th we've yet to see that happen. Yet.
Tomorrow it's supposed to be 94.
On Sunday it's supposed to be 100.
On Monday it's supposed to be 103.
On Tuesday it's supposed to be 106.
And thankfully that's where it's ending. Temps are supposed to drop back under a 100 after that, and even back into the high 80's around Friday, when we leave with Emily's family for Albuquerque for the Memorial Day weekend (go figure, it cools off and we're leaving). In Albuquerque the highs over the holiday are barely going to make it to 80, with lows around 50 and a chance of rain (it's monsoon season over there).
Below is a picture of the sun setting off the back yard this evening. The remnants of the storm that's been parked over New Mexico is still spinning some clouds over us, and here is what's left of that.
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