Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Saturday, June 07, 2008

June Yard Update

June has been kind so far, around 100 in the afternoon, and nice cool mornings still.

Lots of color still in the yard, although yellows are dominant.

Here is a new one in the wildflower area, don't know if this is a weed or something I threw out in seed last fall.

Another blanket flower is blooming.

Here is one of the sunflowers in the yard, this is a multi-stalked one with about four or five blooms on it, about four feet tall.

The bush lantana is still blooming, and spreading everywhere.

The golden fleece that came up on its own all over the yard this spring is still blooming as well.

Here's a volunteer that came up under the Acacia, it looks like a brittlebush from the leaf and bloom color.

The yellow elder are finally recovering from the freeze two winters ago.

A few evening primrose are still coming up here and there and blooming.

And finally, calomondins are coming in, I juiced at least 30 of them today, abot 6 ounces worth, 2 ounces short for a cake recipe my mom gave us a year or so ago. Yum!


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