Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Mega-Sized Yard Post

Ok, so it's been a while. It's been hot for seven months and hardly rained, so the yard has been on life support. Now, with it finally cooling off, some of the plants are blooming again.

Here's what I've got for this installment:

- Wolfberry Bush - Odd combination of puple blooms and red berries, very cool, and very SHARP branches!

- Winter vegtable garden! Cucumbers, gourds, cardinal vines, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, in no particular order.

- Calomondon gearing up for it's huge December harvest (I hope), blooming like crazy

- New compost bin! Or a bomb shelter for trolls, take your pick.

- Wedelia, Yellow Dot, Etc - Finally blooming after struggling through our summer, too much direct sun. Spreading everywhere now.

- Chaste Tree, Monks Pepper Tree, Etc, still blooming, the leaves look horrible, but otherwise in good shape.

- Yellow Orchid Vine - Not growing as well in the back yard as the front, but there's more sun and less consistant watering. Love the shape of the blooms.

- Back corner of the yard

- Yellow Bells are blooming like crazy


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