Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Yard Update - May

So far I haven't had to move anything inside, although there are a few things that are on the borderline, including my hostas (below). The mesquite is not throwing enough shade to keep the brunt of the heat off them. So far they aren't wilting too horribly, keeping them wet has helped. The maroon plants that are mixed in with them are seeds that blew in there from my back porch, a variation of love lies bleeding that I though would be green leafed, but I guess I got another member of that particular family by mistake.

Next picture is of my new plumbago that I planted about a month ago to compliment the white one on the south side of the house. This first summer will be tough for it, I'll have to water this thing almost every day to keep the leaves from getting crunchy. It'll be worth the work though in a few years when this bush has grown to six feet tall, and covered in blooms in the spring and fall.

The rest of these pictures are of various roses that are blooming around the back yard. I suspect in a few more weeks these will all be looking pretty rough once we're consistently over 100 degrees every day.


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