Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Monsoon Cometh

The first signs of the impending monsoon are upon us, thank goodness. That huge blob of orange right below the border with Arizona is the beginning of the monsoon that will eventually start creeping northward in the next few weeks (hopefully).

The ten day forecast for here actually shows a 40% chance of rain next Wed and Thurs, although that would be a little early for the monsoon to start (typically it begins around the beginning of July). However, if there is a light at the end of this 112 degree tunnel, that would be it.

I am slowly putting my rain barrels into place on the corner of the house, and have the PVC pipe to connect them all together. Emily is trying to find a resource for gutters, which is kind of important to this whole thing. Pictures will follow.


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