Planting Season!
Despite missing the annual plant sale at the Arboretum (for good reason), I've gotten a leg up on getting some things in the ground as the weather cools off (well, into the high 80s, anyway). On the south side of the yard, under our Chilean Mesquite, which provides lots of shade, I've planted a plumeria and numerous narcissus bulbs, in hopes that they'll spread in the shade over the coming years. I also had two large pots of aloes that were root bound, and divided and spread those all over the yard, maybe a dozen in total. The mother plant in the larger of the two pots was probably three feet tall and I could barely carry it and it's rootball. As Emily would say, it was huuuuge. I'll post a picture perhaps if I think about it, in the near future.
We had a chance of rain today but most of it missed us to the northwest (Kingman) and southwest (Tucson), we managed cloudy skies, and humidity, but nothing more. It was 72 this morning, about 15 degrees higher than it has been lately with clear skies. We managed 7 days of rain in the first half of October (albeit light rain), and things seem to be drying out now. I've read this is supposed to be a wetter than normal winter due to El Nino (or La Nina, I forget), I'm crossing my fingers that this is the case, as last year about this time, we went almost six months without a drop of rain (140-some odd days, if memory serves).
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