Sunday, December 24, 2006
After three weeks of nothing to report, something intersting has happened in the weather department. For starters, for the first time since Brenna was born, it actually rained. It wasn't a lot, less than a quarter of an inch, but it was a nice little soaking rain, and with it came the fog the next morning, which only happens in December when the stars align (rain and cold weather). This is the first fog we've had probably in two years.
Below are two pictures I took this morning before we went to Tucson. It was thick.
The first shot is looking out from the back yard across the street into a vacant lot. The second is of the yard, with the trees clouded along the street.

In other non-fog related news, I'm hoping to buy some more bulbs for the yard after Christmas, Home Depot has some a nice new stock in of plants that they didn't have earlier in the winter, including Hosta, Bearded Iris', and a few others of interest. I'm also looking to buy a hose stake from Lowes to get my garden hose contained to one area.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
My Prized Red Ice Plant, Ladies And Gentlemen
Below is the red ice plant I bought at Wal Mart a few months ago... far from it, say I. The yard is still hanging on, the freeze early in the week took its toll on a few things, but otherwise all is well. Small chance of rain Sunday night, no measurable rain since before Brenna was born.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Fall's Swan Song
Our Chinese Pistache tree is changing to an odd tint of orange, almost Texas Longhorn orange. Perhaps this is because it is struggling with Vermiculum Wilt (or something spelled similar). I hope to dry the roots out over the winter, and with any luck the leaves in the spring that come back will not be disease ridden.
Not much else going on in the yard, had a few potted plants get burnt pretty badly by our recent freezes. The bulbs I put out in October have netted about a dozen shoots so far, three different varities, one of which I know is a type of Narcissus, not sure about the other two, maybe Ixia and one other. I'll know once they bloom, whenver that may be.