Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A Warm Day At The Arboretum

The hoes never get the attention they deserve, so I'm posting our latest trip to the arboretum here instead of on our main family page. So, there.

We saw many an assorted thing of interest this go around, despite the borderline disgusting heat. Because I'm short on time, I'm going to milk this subject for all it's worth and post some additional pictures at a later time.

For now, I present to you:

- A butterly on a sunflower, one of many flowers giving Mother Nature the finger

- A blue dragonfly perched over a man-made watering hole

- An orange dragonfly perched over the same watering hole

- The wife and small child amongst the trees

Stay tuned, more to come as time permits later this week.