Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Long time, no post. With freezing temps fore casted, I've picked my lemons and oranges. As you can see, it was a good year for lemons, 34 of them in total. I had 8 oranges, but two got bored into on the tree, so what you see here is what remains. I've covered my calemondon tonight, as it's covered in maturing fruit and it's supposed to be 34 in Phoenix tonight, which means high 20s for us (36 right now at 10pm).
If the freeze doesn't do too much damage, I'll take some new pictures of the yard, and will post them here, including:
- Wildflower seeds that are sprouting everywhere, thanks to the five inches of rain we've had in the last month
- Grape vine on the north side of the house turning a beautiful burgundy color
- New swing that I'm anchoring in the ground for Brenna where our Ficus bit the dust last year during the 20 January night that will live on in infamy