Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


The pictures I posted from my cell phone yesterday are of a now confirmed microburst that squashed East Mesa last night.

The article on the damage from the nasty bugger can be found here:

There's also a nice picture of the storm from a distance, taken by a professional using something other than a cell phone with 1 megapixel.

We lost a few trees at the church, and the brunt of the storm missed there. As I was driving west on Crismon, the storm was to the north of the road, and you could see walls of rain blowing south across it, pretty incredible. Reminded me vaguely of the movie Twister, except I didn't see any flying cows or barns roll across the road in front of me.

Lots of clouds to our east this afternoon, they've been looming out there since noon, getting darker and darker. Will it actually move west, hard to tell, at least the sun is going away at the moment, and not too soon, it's 105 outside with 40% humidity, absolutely gross.


At 6:20 PM, Blogger Ms. Ruscoe said...

Dear Emily, I am desperate because the Bouganviella I just planted two days ago is looking withered. I was searching for help on the internet and your blog came up. It was very hot today and its little leaves are looking very withered. Not hot like Arizona, but probably 95 degrees.

Do you know what I should do?

I want to know you because you have the kind of garden I hope to have one day.

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Tom, Emily, Brenna said...

This is Emily's husband, the gardener in the family. Even though the Bouganviella is a hot weather plant that thrives on little or no water, make sure it's getting plenty right now until the weather cools off where you are. If it's in the full sun, maybe try shading it until better conditions appear. Good luck!


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