Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Monday, March 30, 2009

More Color

More things blooming the yard, including:

The scorpion weed that's been popping up in random places in the yard. I scattered some seeds of this last year, and it seems to have come back decently this year, considering the lack of rain. This is the only blue color I have in the yard these days, since I dug up our water thirsty plumbago a few years ago.

Our surviving cat's claw vine is blooming on top of our pergola. The blooms and subsequent seed pods are huge compared to the size of the leaves. This remaining vine continues to spread everywhere.

And finally, a perennial I bought back in December for our Christmas party, nearly killed back in the cold because I was too stupid to bring it inside. If memory serves, this one was labelled as a Blue Ribbon plant, no clue what the scientific name is, and I doubt this delicate thing will survive our summer.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Usually during this time of year I can't get butterflies to sit still for a second to take their picture. This guy, however, must have been sunning himself, as he didn't move no matter how close I got to him. Either that, or he was stoned (j/k).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Concrete, You Don't Free My Soul

I'll keep posting more pictures of the yard as long as the mild weather holds out. Still in the 70s, lows in the 40s, absolutely beautiful, but no rain for a month, and we probaly won't see any again until July. I may have to start resorting to drastic measures to conserve water for the yard come April when we start heading into the 90s.
In the meantime,
Our pomegranates are blooming nicely, although like every March/April in the past, it's gotten pretty windy, and some of the to-be fruit is blowing off them before they can mature. Hopefully this year we'll get a few that make it to maturation.

I've probably posted a dozen variations of this lantana in full bloom, but it's one of my favorites. This plant was given to us by a friend some years ago as a tiny little plant, and it's now at least four feet tall and about eight feet across.

I still don't get why this one is called a monkey face plant, I don't see it. The blooms are a beautiful color, however. Time will tell if this guy will survive outside come summertime.

Another springtime favorite, the evening primrose, which is spreading all over the south side of the house, where it's still partially shady. Once May arrives, this one will go back underground until next year.

Our fountain is filthy, but it looked nice with the sun setting against it tonight. Hard to bring myself to hose it out when the plants need the water worse.

Planted as bulbs back in February, two of our three dahlias are coming up under the shade of our mesquite tree. No telling how large these will get, or what color they'll bloom. Again, hopefully they'll survive the summer.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Columbine Madness

FINALLY, after two years of nursing this plant through hot summers and no humidity, my columbine from Georgia has bloomed from seed. I have another pot of these guys that I'm hoping will also bloom before oour heat returns, we'll wait and see.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

One More Yard Pic For The Road

As long as our temperatures stay in the 70s, the yard will keep on blooming (there's an ingenious statement). Every year I post pictures of my red globe mallow bush, it's the only nice red color I have in the yard each spring, and this plant just explodes this time of year with blooms.

That is all.