More Color
More things blooming the yard, including:
The scorpion weed that's been popping up in random places in the yard. I scattered some seeds of this last year, and it seems to have come back decently this year, considering the lack of rain. This is the only blue color I have in the yard these days, since I dug up our water thirsty plumbago a few years ago.
Our surviving cat's claw vine is blooming on top of our pergola. The blooms and subsequent seed pods are huge compared to the size of the leaves. This remaining vine continues to spread everywhere.
And finally, a perennial I bought back in December for our Christmas party, nearly killed back in the cold because I was too stupid to bring it inside. If memory serves, this one was labelled as a Blue Ribbon plant, no clue what the scientific name is, and I doubt this delicate thing will survive our summer.