Addicted To Hoes

All things outdoors

Monday, January 23, 2012

Poor Neglected Hoes

It's been months now since I've tended to my Hoes. Had I taken the time, I'm sure there were some interesting things going on in the yard worth posting, but at least I'm back at it now.

Our weather has been mild most of this winter, with little bits of rain here and there. Matter of fact, it's supposed to rain later today. We'll see. We had nearly two inches back in December, which provided me a month's worth of rain water, so that was nice.

So let's get on with it.

My basil, which is supposed to be an annual, is entering it's third year, and still doing well. I love the smell of this plant.

I have six or seven pepper plants I've started in pots. Here is one of them. Once I'm finished with my shelter expansion on the north side of the house, these plants will take up residence in the shade during the hotter part of the year.

We have more collards and mustard greens than we know what to do with. The lettuce in the middle is starting to fill in, as well.

The nasturtum, after covering them through the few light freezes we had in December, are growing like crazy. I've never had any grow this tall. If you look carefully, you can see one blooming from the inside of all of these leaves.

The quinoa is doing well, despite being in the shade too much during the day. All of these will be dead by June once the heat builds, but hopefully we'll have some nice blooms and seed at the end of the season.

The Valentine Emu bush is starting to bloom right on queue.

Two of my five roses have been blooming, here is one of them.

And speaking of roses, a few of my rose hips that I, ahem, borrowed from the Arboretum in Superior, are actually coming up after weeks of watering. I'll post updated pictures of these, if they continue to survive.