Still June
The old yard is still surviving, anxiously awaiting some monsoon rains. The quarter of an inch that we were blessed with a few days ago helped matters. Here are a few things in the yard still blooming, despite the heat.
The creeping trumpet vine is in full bloom at the moment, enjoying the partial shade on the north side of the house.
Despite not watering them, I still have a few sunflowers clinging onto life.
I still have four roses clinging onto life. I moved the two worse looking ones into pots, and almost left them to bake in the sun this afternoon. One was blooming, the other barely has any signs of life.
That leaves two that are still in the ground, one against the house that gets shade in the morning and filtered shade in the afternoon.
And this one, my lone survivor from last year.
Of the four, three of them have bloomed this summer, although the blooms have been pretty small (heat related, I'm sure).